There was a big traffic jam around Ninth Avenue and, as it was taking too long, I left the car and watched around to find out what's going on.
Suddenly, a powerful huge horse ran without rider, crossing streets, dodging pedestrians, cars, and cops.
The horse's eyes looked like someone giving his last battle to survive. It was a choleric, scared, confused look. Later, the news said it was a horse that escaped from the men who used it to tow a car of tourists in the midst of the inclement heat of the New York summer.
Animal rights?
Yeah, right...
It may still sound like a joke for many, as human rights used to be just a matter of white wealthy people till recently.

The organization NYClass have been fought to protect animals from mistreatment (to use a simple euphemism) since 2008. Their mission is to protect carriage horses from the extreme heat of summer.
To accomplish such a task, they have been asking the New York City Council to issue rules that regulate and protect horses from mistreatment caused by their owners without caring about anything other than making money, and when an animal dies because of the intensity of abuse, they buy another so that they can continue working, as the slavers of the Middle Ages.
The writer Eduardo Galeano says, invoking the "Delirium", that one day we will understand that lobsters do not like to be boiled alive ... Or what about the way geese suffered torture and death just to get the appreciated French pate Foi Grass.
NYC, June 2019
Photos: Cristanxo

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